Virtual Simulation of High Impact Shovel Loading Operation for Optimum Dumping Characterization

The use of large machinery in surface mining operations has resulted in high-impact shovel loading operations (HISLO). When large capacity shovels dump 100+ tons of loads in a single pass, large impact forces are generated resulting in high frequency shock waves. These shock waves cause severe truck vibrations, and thus, expose dump truck operators to high levels of whole body vibrations (WBV) and impact the health and safety of operators. The operator’s lower torso, lower back, legs, feet and hands are exposed to these WBV levels, which ultimately result in lower back injuries, musculoskeletal diseases and other long-term injuries. There exists no fundamental work to address this problem except a rigorous mathematical model for this impact force developed by previous researchers. This paper outlines a pioneering effort to develop a 3D virtual simulation model for a shovel dumping operation using DEM techniques in PFC3D. The model captures material dumping from a P&H 4100XPC shovel into a CAT 793D truck. Analysis of the simulation results showed that a per cent reduction of 4.88, 7.42, 11.45, 12.01, 15.08 and 17.34% can be achieved by reducing the dumping height from 7.33 m to 6.33, 6.00, 5.50, 5.33, 5.00 and 4.9 m, respectively. As a result of the cushioning effect, the reduction in the impact force magnitude ranges between 8.2% and 10.5%. This simulation model can be used to analyse any HISLO operation to reduce or possibly eliminate WBV exposures by optimizing the shovel dumping height to reduce the impact force.