Study of Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) Based thin Films Grown by Different Growth Techniques: Review.
Various Transparent Conducting Oxide based ( TCO)Thin Films have been Developed using different deposition techniques such SILAR, RF, Chemical Bath,DC magnetron sputtering, chemical organic vapor deposition, etc with their properties well analyzed and each found to have unique properties peculiar in accordance with its mechanism. In this work, we intend to ascertain the influence of the deposition mechanisms on the some of the relevant properties of the Oxide based TCO thin films such as CdO, SnO2 ,ZnO etc so that one can be able to infer the growth technique that give would the optimum properties such structural , optical, solid state properties that would make the thin films well amenable to appreciable high quality applications in field of opto-electronic and other solid state electronic devices. However from this review, it has been observed that no deposition technique has shown clear cut different characteristics of the properties of this thin film.