Perfume Spray Analysis of Sn Doped ZnO-CNT NPs and its Morphological Characterizations

The nano composite Sn doped ZnO-CNT having peculiar property in various physical science fields has been synthesized using simplified cost-effective spray pyrolysis method which forms the nano powder unusually. The work has been bringing to the fundamental study such as XRD and SEM with EDAX using sophisticated instrument to confirm expected elements present with strong bond by evaluating and serious care on diffraction peaks which becomes sharper, surface morphology and energy dispersive amplitude. All crystal phases are anatase formation and no characteristic peaks of Cu metal or oxide at 2θ values which matches with JCPDS 36-1451 corresponding to ZnO and JCPDS 26-1079 corresponding to MWCNT.TEM and SAED investigated the entitled compound that particles size, shape and presence of oxygen under ZnO and CNT remand, 2% of Sn was doped with this source solution.