Diversity, Population Structure and Regeneration Status of Indigenous Woody Species in and Around Agoro-Agu Central Forest Reserve.


Wooded ecosystems provide a range of goods and services to humankind especially to local rural communities in particular. The extraction of these resources raises concerns in relation to the ecological impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem processes. This study assessed the diversity, population structure and regeneration status of the indigenous woody species in and around the Agoro-Agu Central Forest Reserve. A systematic transect sampling technique was used in the study. A total of 216 quadrats of 20 x 20 m were sampled; 108 in the forest; and the remaining 108 were sampled in the farmlands. The study recorded a total of 93 woody species in 62 genera and 31 families both in the Forest Reserve and Farmland. The diversity index (Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index H′) was significantly higher in the farmland (3.2) than in the forest reserve (3.0)