Daylight Performance of Windows in Contemporary and Tropical Modernist Buildings, in the Tropics, a Case Of Prempeh College, Kumasi, Ghana

Residential buildings are of much importance as they are the place where people spend most of their time performing social and life activities. A proper daylighting is necessary for this type of building since it influences the health of occupants. Improper daylighting results in psychological and physiological problems, leading to sickness. A day lit space or building helps to have a better architectural experience, hence it is important that designers and architects incorporate daylight for the occupants’ convenience and wellbeing and the quality of the experience window is an opening designed or created in the wall or any surface exposed to external environment to admit daylight, facilitate cross ventilation and contribute to thermal comfort conditions. The potential of passive design in residential buildings is high. In a building envelop, a window is an important element which performs functions such as, supplying daylight, providing outside view and forms part of the natural ventilation system.