Adolescence: Suicidal Thoughts


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The prevailing school of thinking contends that having access to firearms in one's home does not increase one's risk of having suicidal thoughts or plans. I use multiple logistic regression models to evaluate the impact of gun availability on the likelihood of teenagers in those homes having suicidal thoughts using data from the Adolescent to Adult Health Longitudinal Study, conducted in 1994 and 1995. I approximate a randomised treatment assignment by matching across numerous important demographic and psychological characteristics. I come across evidence that challenges the dominant school of thought. Even when I account for important demographic and other important characteristics, the data analysis demonstrates that the presence of weapons has a statistically significant "impact" of boosting a respondent's self-reported likelihood of having suicidal thoughts. These findings offer further subtlety to the conversation around teen access to weapons since they demonstrate that they could have a detrimental effect on self-reported psychological health even if all security standards are being followed.

There has been substantial research on the connection between gun ownership and suicide rates. Having "access to the means to kill oneself (most frequently gun" is a key factor in raising the risk of potential self harm and suicide attempts, according to a 2002 World Health Organization report. This discovery does not only apply to a certain age group. More specifically, Knopov et al. discover in their 2019 study that the prevalence of youth suicide is positively correlated with household gun ownership. This correlation has been widely confirmed and demonstrated in numerous more, frequently older studies (Lester, 19890Less obvious is the relationship between gun ownership and suicidal ideation, or thinking about committing suicide but not necessarily acting on it. There has been investigation. This finding was supported by another study. Miller et alstudy .'s found no connection between living in a home with firearms and having suicidal thoughts or plans (Miller et al, 2009). According to the same research, those who live in homes with firearms are equally likely to struggle with anxiety, mental disorders, or substance abuse as people who don't (Miller et al, 2009). Furthermore, research with suicide survivors shows that many suicide attempts are impulsive (Simon TR, Swann AC, Powell KE, et al, 2001). These could all be references to the following: since suicides using weapons are common