Abundance and Distribution of Sedges in Relation to Soil Properties in SedgeDominated Habitats in Uyo Metropolis !


A field research was conducted to assess soil nutrient variation and plant distribution in four sedge-dominated habitats. Systematic sampling method was used. The result of the study revealed that a total of 12 plant species of which 3 were members of the family Cyperaceae were identified in the habitats studied. The Cyperaceae members found were of the genus: Cyperus. Other associated species found were Sida acuta, Scoparia dulcis, Chromolaena odorata, Eleusine indica, Ludwigia decurens etc. The highest density values obtained in this study is characteristic of Cyperus iria in Habitat D (9500 st/ha) while the least density value is characteristic of Plastostoma africanum in Habitat 2 (200 st/ha). Multivariate correlation analysis evidenced that these differences in density of the sedges reflected the functions of variations important soil properties such as pH, exchangeable Ca, soil moisture, total nitrogen and available phosphorus.